Iowa: Surprisingly Refreshing

We were expecting more of the same from Iowa, but luckily for Iowa, it has a lot more going for it than just some old cowboy's ranch and a day no one celebrates. Sociologists might not realize this, but the real center of Orthodox Judaism in America is not in Boro Park, Crown Heights, Washington Heights, Teaneck, Lakewood, Riverdale or even our own Pico-Robertson.
It is...drum roll please...
Postville, Iowa!!!!
Postville is not only the childhood home of Dr. John R. Mott. It is also where the Agriprocessors Plant is located. This is the biggest Kosher Slaughtering house in the universe. Yes, it beats the one on Neptune. This place is what makes American Jewry work. Without it we would all be...PLEASE NO...vegetarians!!!!! It is better known as Rubashkin's.
As many of you may know, this establishment was involved in something of a controversy earlier this year. We figured that this would make the plant somewhat suspicious of letting random visitors in to tour, but decided that it was worth a shot anyway. Our plan was simple. Go to the Kosher Deli restaurant in town, and chat it up with the funny Lubav guy who owns the joint (we didn't know for sure that there was a funny Lubavitch guy, but presumed there had to be). After convincing this guy that we were legit and not Peta spies, we figured he would use his connections to get us a tour.

We roll into Postville with nothing but meat on our minds. We make our way over to the Kosher Deli that was oppened to feed the ninety Jewish families that live there. When we got there the Deli wasn't open yet so we went to the Postville visitors center and bought some souveniers for ourselves as well as presents for some lucky people out there. When we were done shopping the Deli was open so we sat down and ordered steaks from the funny Lubavitch guy, and begin to execute our plan. In between messing around with this guy's crazy young sons, and scarfing down some remarkably fresh steaks, this conversation ensued:
Menachem Mendel: Where are you guys from? You look like you're from the Gush!!
Frumroadtrip: Well, they kicked us out of our homes, so we had to come here.
M: Seriously, what the hell are you guys doing in Postville?!
F: Just passing through. (lengthy explanation of purposes of the trip)
M: How'd you hear about this place?
F: Well, we're big meat fans.
M: Yeah, I can see.
So far, so good. Let's move in for the kill! A few minutes later:
F: So, do you know if they give tours of the plant?
M: Nah, they don't let guys in there anymore. What are you, Peta?
F: Hey, come on man. Look at us. Look what we're eating. Can you get us in there?
M: Heck yeah I could. If I wanted to. To bad for you, cause I don't!
F: Aww, come on. What'd we ever do to you? We just gave you our business. Plleeeeaaase...
M: I'll see what I can do...
This conversation ended up being dissapointing. After shopping at the guy's store for some Kosher supplies, and some much needed babka, we had a long game of Jewish geography with the Lubav and his father. Even after discovering literally dozens of connections, they were still unwilling or unable to help us out. They suggested that we go down to the plant and try our luck with security.
We tried sweettalking the secretary, Kathy I believe her name was, but she wasn't buying our sob story. She claimed that if we had tried calling in advance, there would have been no problems. Fat chance. Anyway, even though we were denied access, the trip was totally worth it, and we got to see lots of rural Iowa- far superior to rural Nebraska. Also, we figured that leaving the camera behind would increase our chances of getting through so the picture selection is a little slim here.